Carlsson Coordinates

In this section, we provide examples for classification of persistence diagrams using Carlsson Coordinates provided in Carlsson Coordinates. In below example, user provide a set of persistence diagrams in a Pandas dataframe inluding the labels of each persistence diagram. Then, classification parameters are selected and persistence diagrams are classified. In addition, user can choose the number of coordinates to be used in feature matrix generation.

>>> from teaspoon.ML.PD_Classification import getPercentScore
>>> from teaspoon.ML import feature_functions as fF
>>> from teaspoon.ML.Base import ParameterBucket
>>> from teaspoon.MakeData.PointCloud import testSetManifolds
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
>>> from sklearn.svm import SVC

>>> # generate persistence diagrams
>>> DgmsDF = testSetManifolds(numDgms=20, numPts=100)
>>> labels_col='trainingLabel'
>>> dgm_col='Dgm1'

>>> # convert categorical labels into integers
>>> label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
>>> x = DgmsDF[labels_col]
>>> y = label_encoder.fit_transform(x)
>>> DgmsDF[labels_col] = y

>>> # set classification parameters
>>> params = ParameterBucket()
>>> params.feature_function = fF.F_CCoordinates
>>> params.k_fold_cv=5
>>> params.FN =3
>>> params.clf_model = SVC
>>> c_report_train,c_report_test=getPercentScore(DgmsDF,
>>>                                             labels_col='trainingLabel',
>>>                                             dgm_col='Dgm1',
>>>                                             params=params,
>>>                                             precomputed = False,
>>>                                             saving = False,
>>>                                             saving_path = None)

Beginning experiments

Run Number: 1
Test set acc.: 0.625
Training set acc.: 0.698
Run Number: 2
Test set acc.: 0.583
Training set acc.: 0.677
Run Number: 3
Test set acc.: 0.542
Training set acc.: 0.656
Run Number: 4
Test set acc.: 0.667
Training set acc.: 0.667
Run Number: 5
Test set acc.: 0.583
Training set acc.: 0.688

Finished with training/testing experiments

Test Set
Average accuracy: 0.600
Standard deviation: 0.042

Training Set
Average accuracy: 0.677
Standard deviation: 0.015

For more metrics, see the outputs. Transfer learning between two sets of persistence diagrams

Machine learning module of teaspoon also provides user with transfer learning option. When it is enabled, user can train and test a classifier on two different sets of persistence diagrams. In this example, we first generate two sets of persistence diagrams. Categorical labels of the diagrams are converted into the integers. In the last step, we set classification parameters and perform the classification using SVM.

>>> from teaspoon.ML.PD_Classification import getPercentScore
>>> from teaspoon.ML import feature_functions as fF
>>> from teaspoon.ML.Base import ParameterBucket
>>> from teaspoon.MakeData.PointCloud import testSetManifolds
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
>>> from sklearn.svm import SVC
>>> import numpy as np

>>> # generate persistence diagrams
>>> DgmsDF_train = testSetManifolds(numDgms=20, numPts=100)
>>> DgmsDF_test = testSetManifolds(numDgms=20, numPts=100)

>>> labels_col='trainingLabel'
>>> dgm_col='Dgm1'

>>> # convert categorical labels into integers
>>> label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
>>> x_train,x_test = DgmsDF_train[labels_col],DgmsDF_test[labels_col]
>>> y_train = label_encoder.fit_transform(x_train)
>>> y_test = label_encoder.fit_transform(x_test)
>>> DgmsDF_train[labels_col],DgmsDF_test[labels_col] = y_train,y_test

>>> # set classification parameters
>>> params = ParameterBucket()
>>> params.feature_function = fF.F_CCoordinates
>>> params.k_fold_cv=5
>>> params.TF_Learning=True
>>> params.FN = 5
>>> params.clf_model = SVC
>>> c_report_train,c_report_test=getPercentScore(DgmsDF_train,
>>>                                             labels_col='trainingLabel',
>>>                                             dgm_col='Dgm1',
>>>                                             params=params,
>>>                                             precomputed = False,
>>>                                             saving = False,
>>>                                             saving_path = None,
>>>                                             DgmsDF_test = DgmsDF_test)

Beginning experiments

Run Number: 1
Test set acc.: 0.688
Training set acc.: 0.708
Run Number: 2
Test set acc.: 0.708
Training set acc.: 0.719
Run Number: 3
Test set acc.: 0.656
Training set acc.: 0.708
Run Number: 4
Test set acc.: 0.771
Training set acc.: 0.708
Run Number: 5
Test set acc.: 0.667
Training set acc.: 0.729

Finished with training/testing experiments

Test Set
Average accuracy: 0.698
Standard deviation: 0.041

Training Set
Average accuracy: 0.715
Standard deviation: 0.008

For more metrics, see the outputs. Hyperparameter tuning

Our package also provides user with hyperparameter tuning. When it is enabled, user is expected to provide the parameters and their range in a dictionary to tune parameters. Algorithm implements GridSearchCV.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from teaspoon.ML.PD_Classification import getPercentScore
>>> from teaspoon.ML import feature_functions as fF
>>> from teaspoon.ML.Base import ParameterBucket
>>> from teaspoon.MakeData.PointCloud import testSetManifolds
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
>>> from sklearn.svm import SVC

>>> # generate persistence diagrams
>>> DgmsDF = testSetManifolds(numDgms=20, numPts=100)
>>> labels_col='trainingLabel'
>>> dgm_col='Dgm1'

>>> # convert categorical labels into integers
>>> label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
>>> x = DgmsDF[labels_col]
>>> y = label_encoder.fit_transform(x)
>>> DgmsDF[labels_col] = y

>>> # set classification parameters
>>> params = ParameterBucket()
>>> params.feature_function = fF.F_CCoordinates
>>> params.k_fold_cv=5
>>> params.FN =3
>>> params.clf_model = SVC
>>> params.param_tuning = True

>>> # parameters to tune and their range
>>> gamma_range = np.logspace(-3, 3, num=5)
>>> lambda_range = np.logspace(-3, 3, num=5)
>>> params.parToTune = [] # the list that contains the parameters to tune for each classifier
>>> params.parToTune.append({'C': lambda_range,'gamma':gamma_range}) # SVM paramters

>>> #perform classification
>>> c_report_train,c_report_test=getPercentScore(DgmsDF,
>>>                                             labels_col='trainingLabel',
>>>                                             dgm_col='Dgm1',
>>>                                             params=params,
>>>                                             precomputed = False,
>>>                                             saving = False,
>>>                                             saving_path = None)

Beginning experiments

Run Number: 1
Test set acc.: 0.750
Training set acc.: 0.844
Run Number: 2
Test set acc.: 0.750
Training set acc.: 0.844
Run Number: 3
Test set acc.: 0.750
Training set acc.: 0.854
Run Number: 4
Test set acc.: 0.875
Training set acc.: 0.823
Run Number: 5
Test set acc.: 0.792
Training set acc.: 0.844

Finished with training/testing experiments

Test Set
Average accuracy: 0.783
Standard deviation: 0.049

Training Set
Average accuracy: 0.842
Standard deviation: 0.010

For more metrics, see the outputs.