Periodic Functions Main Functions

teaspoon.MakeData.DynSysLib.periodic_functions.sine(omega=6.283185307179586, L=40, fs=50, SampleSize=2000)[source]

The sinusoidal function is defined as

\[x(t) = \sin(2\pi t)\]

This was solved for 40 seconds with a sampling rate of 50 Hz.

  • omega (Optional[float]) – frequency of the sine wave.

  • L (Optional[int]) – amount of time to solve simulation for.

  • fs (Optional[int]) – sampling rate for simulation.

  • SampleSize (Optional[int]) – length of sample at end of entire time series


Array of the time indices as t and the simulation time series ts

Return type:


teaspoon.MakeData.DynSysLib.periodic_functions.incommensurate_sine(omega1=3.141592653589793, omega2=1, L=100, fs=50, SampleSize=5000)[source]

This function is generated using two incommensurate periodic functions as

\[x(t) = \sin(\omega_1 t) + \sin(\omega_2 t)\]

This was sampled such that \(t \in [0, 100]\) at a rate of 50 Hz.

  • omega1 (Optional[float]) – frequency of the first sine wave.

  • omega2 (Optional[float]) – frequency of the second sine wave.

  • L (Optional[int]) – amount of time to solve simulation for.

  • fs (Optional[int]) – sampling rate for simulation.

  • SampleSize (Optional[int]) – length of sample at end of entire time series


Array of the time indices as t and the simulation time series ts

Return type:
