1. Getting Started
1.1. Installation
The teaspoon package is available through pip install with version details found here. The package can be installed using the following pip installation:
pip install teaspoon
To install the most up-to-date version of the code, you can clone the repo and then run:
pip install .
1.2. Optional Dependencies
To the greatest extent possible, we are trying to make install as simple as possible. However, the following optional dependencies are required for some of the modules in teaspoon, but due to issues with direct pip install, they are not included automatically when installing teaspoon.
Fast-zigzag software (fzz) is required for the ZigZag persistence module. The software can be installed by following the instructions on the GitHub page. The software is not available through pip install.
In a few legacy cases, the code utilizes Ripser. Code by Ulrich Bauer for computing persistent homology of a point cloud or distance matrix. However, the majority of persistence computation is done with Scikit-TDA.
1.3. Issues
Bugs reports and feature reqests can be posted on the github issues page.