Source code for teaspoon.MakeData.DynSysLib.maps

import numpy as np

[docs]def logistic_map(parameters=[3.5], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The logistic map [1]_ was generated as .. math:: x_{n+1} = rx_n(1-x_n) where we chose the parameters :math:`x_0 = 0.5` and :math:`r = 3.6` for a chaotic state. You can set :math:`r = 3.5` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Logistic_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of 1 float [r] dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [1] May, Robert. "Simple mathematical models with very complicated dynamics". Nature, 1976. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 1 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': r = 3.5 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': r = 3.6 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') else: r = parameters[0] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.5] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = r*xn*(1-xn) ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def henon_map(parameters=[1.25, 0.3, 1.0], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Hénon map [2]_ was solved as .. math:: x_{n+1} &= 1 -ax_n^2+y_n, y_{n+1}&=bx_n where we chose the parameters :math:`a = 1.20`, :math:`b = 0.30`, and :math:`c = 1.00` for a chaotic state with initial conditions :math:`x_0 = 0.1` and :math:`y_0 = 0.3`. You can set :math:`a = 1.25` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Henon_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[floats]): Array of 3 floats [a,b,c]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [2] Hénon, Michel. "A two-dimensional mapping with a strange attractor". Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1976. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 3 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a = 1.25 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a = 1.20 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') b, c = 0.3, 1.0 else: a, b, c = parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2] # defining simulation functions def henon(a, b, c, x, y): return y + c - a*x*x, b*x if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.1, 0.3] xtemp = InitialConditions[0] ytemp = InitialConditions[1] x, y = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xtemp, ytemp = henon(a, b, c, xtemp, ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) ts = [x[-SampleSize:], y[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def sine_map(parameters=[0.8], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Sine map is defined as .. math:: x_{n+1} = A\sin{(\pi x_n)} where we chose the parameter :math:`A = 1.0` for a chaotic state with initial condition :math:`x_0 = 0.1`. You can also change :math:`A = 0.8` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Sine_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[floats]): Array of 1 float [A]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 1 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': A = 0.8 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': A = 1.0 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') else: A = parameters[0] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.1] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = A*np.sin(np.pi*xn) ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def tent_map(parameters=[1.05], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Tent map [3]_ was solved as .. math:: x_{n+1} = A\min{([x_n, 1-x_n])} where we chose the parameter :math:`A = 1.50` for a chaotic state with initial condition :math:`x_0 = 1/\sqrt{2}`. You can also change :math:`A = 1.05` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Tent_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of 1 float [A]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [3] Crampin, Michael. "On the chaotic behaviour of the tent map". Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 1994. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 1 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': A = 1.05 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': A = 1.5 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') else: A = parameters[0] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [1/np.sqrt(2)] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = A*np.min([xn, 1-xn]) ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def linear_congruential_generator_map(parameters=[0.9, 54773, 259200], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Linear Congruential Generator map is defined as .. math:: x_{n+1}=(ax_n+b)\mod c where we chose the parameter :math:`a = 1.1` for a chaotic state with initial condition :math:`x_0 = 0.1`. You can also change :math:`a = 0.9` for a periodic response. :math:`b` and :math:`c` are set to 54,773 and 259,200 respectively for both dynamic states. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Linear_Congruential_Generator_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of 3 floats [a,b,c]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 3 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a = 0.9 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a = 1.1 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') else: a, b, c = parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.1] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = (a*xn + b) % c ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def rickers_population_map(parameters=[13], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Ricker's Population map is defined [4]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1}=ax_n e^{-x_n} where we chose the parameter :math:`a = 20` for a chaotic state with initial condition :math:`x_0 = 0.1`. You can set :math:`a = 13` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Rickers_Popoulation_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of 1 parameter [a]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [4] Ricker, William Edwin. "Stock and recruitment". Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 1954. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 1 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a = 13 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a = 20 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') else: a = parameters[0] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.1] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = a*xn*np.exp(-xn) ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def gauss_map(parameters=[6.20, -0.20], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Gauss map is defined [5]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1}=e^{-\\alpha x_n^2}+\\beta where we chose the parameters :math:`\\alpha = 6.20` and :math:`\\beta = -0.35` for a chaotic state with initial condition :math:`x_0 = 0.1`. You can set :math:`\\beta = -0.20` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. Taken from .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Gauss_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[floats]): Array of parameters [alpha, beta]. beta (Optional[float]): System parameter. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [5] Hilborn, Robert C. "Chaos and nonlinear dynamics: an introduction for scientists and engineers". Oxford, Univ. Press, 2004. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 2 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': beta = -0.20 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': beta = -0.35 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') alpha = 6.20 else: alpha, beta = parameters[0], parameters[1] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.1] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = np.exp(-alpha*xn**2) + beta ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def cusp_map(parameters=[1.1], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Cusp map is defined [6]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} = 1 - a\sqrt{|x_n|} where we chose the parameter :math:`a = 1.2` for a chaotic state with initial condition :math:`x_0 = 0.5`. You can set :math:`a = 1.1` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Cusp_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [a]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [6] Beck, Christian. "Thermodynamics of Chaotic Systems". Cambridge University Press, 2009. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 1 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a = 1.1 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a = 1.2 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') else: a = parameters[0] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.5] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = 1-a*np.sqrt(np.abs(xn)) ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def pinchers_map(parameters=[1.3, 0.5], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Pincher's map is defined [7]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} = |\\tanh{(s(x_n-c))}| where we chose the parameters :math:`s = 1.6` and :math:`c = 0.5` for a chaotic state with initial condition :math:`x_0 = 0.0`. You can set :math:`s = 1.3` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Pinchers_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [s,c]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [7] Akgul, Akif. "Text Encryption by Using One-Dimensional Chaos Generators and Nonlinear Equations". International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO, 2013. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 2 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': s = 1.3 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': s = 1.6 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') c = 0.5 else: s, c = parameters[0], parameters[1] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.0] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = np.abs(np.tanh(s*(xn-c))) ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def sine_circle_map(parameters=[0.5, 1.5], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Sine Circle map is defined [8]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} = x_n + \\omega -\\left[\\frac{k}{2\\pi}\sin{(2\\pi x_n)}\\right] where we chose the parameters :math:`\\omega = 0.5` and :math:`k = 2.0` for a chaotic state with initial condition :math:`x_0 = 0.0`. You can set :math:`k = 1.5` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Sine_Circle_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [omega, k]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [8] Arnold, V.I. "Small denominators. i. mapping the circle onto itself". Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 1961. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 2 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': k = 1.5 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': k = 2.0 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') omega = 0.5 else: omega, k = parameters[0], parameters[1] if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.0] xn = InitialConditions[0] t, ts = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xn = xn + omega - (k/(2*np.pi))*np.sin(2*np.pi*xn) % 1 ts = np.append(ts, xn) t = np.append(t, n) ts = [ts[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def lozi_map(parameters=[1.5, 0.5], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Lozi map is defined [9]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} &= 1 - a|x_n| +by_n, y_{n+1} &= x_n where we chose the parameters :math:`a = 1.7` and :math:`b = 0.5` for a chaotic state with initial conditions :math:`x_0 = -0.1` and :math:`y_0 = 0.1`. You can set :math:`a = 1.5` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Lozi_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [a,b]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [9] Peitgen, Heinz-Otto. "Chaos and Fractals New Frontiers of Science". Springer-Verlag, 1992. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 2 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a = 1.5 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a = 1.7 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') b = 0.5 else: a, b = parameters[0], parameters[1] # defining simulation functions def lozi(a, b, x, y): return 1-a*np.abs(x) + b*y, x if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [-0.1, 0.1] xtemp = InitialConditions[0] ytemp = InitialConditions[1] x, y = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xtemp, ytemp = lozi(a, b, xtemp, ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) ts = [x[-SampleSize:], y[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def delayed_logstic_map(parameters=[2.20], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Delayed Logistic map is defined [10]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} &= ax_n(1-y_n) y_{n+1} &= x_n where we chose the parameter :math:`a = 2.27` for a chaotic state with initial conditions :math:`x_0 = 0.001` and :math:`y_0 = 0.001`. You can set :math:`a = 2.20` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Delayed_Logistic_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [a]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [10] Ismail, Samar M. "Generalized Delayed Logistic Map Suitable For Pseudo-random Number Generation". International Conference on Science and Technology, 2015. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 1 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a = 2.20 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a = 2.27 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') else: a = parameters[0] # defining simulation functions def delay_log(a, x, y): return a*x*(1-y), x if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.001, 0.001] xtemp = InitialConditions[0] ytemp = InitialConditions[1] x, y = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xtemp, ytemp = delay_log(a, xtemp, ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) ts = [x[-SampleSize:], y[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def tinkerbell_map(parameters=[0.7, -0.6, 2, 0.5], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Tinkerbell map is defined [11]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} &= x_n^2 - y_n^2 + ax_n + by_n, y_{n+1} &= 2x_ny_n + cx_n + dy_n where we chose the parameters :math:`a = 0.9`, :math:`b = -0.6`, :math:`c = 2.0`, and :math:`d = 0.5` for a chaotic state with initial conditions :math:`x_0 = 0.0` and :math:`y_0 = 0.5`. You can set :math:`a = 0.7` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Tinkerbell_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [a,b,c,d]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [11] Goldsztejn, Alexandre M. "Tinkerbell is chaotic". SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2011. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 4 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a = 0.7 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a = 0.9 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') b, c, d = -0.6, 2, 0.5 else: a, b, c, d = parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3] # defining simulation functions def tinkerbell(a, b, c, d, x, y): return x**2 - y**2 + a*x + b*y, 2*x*y + c*x + d*y if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.0, 0.5] xtemp = InitialConditions[0] ytemp = InitialConditions[1] x, y = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xtemp, ytemp = tinkerbell(a, b, c, d, xtemp, ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) ts = [x[-SampleSize:], y[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def burgers_map(parameters=[0.75, 1.6], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=3000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Burger's map is defined [12]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} &= ax_n - y_n^2, y_{n+1} &= by_n + x_ny_n where we chose the parameters :math:`a = 0.75` and :math:`b = 1.75` for a chaotic state with initial conditions :math:`x_0 = -0.1` and :math:`y_0 = 0.5`. You can set :math:`b = 1.60` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 3000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Burgers_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [a,b]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [12] Burgers, J. M. "Mathematical examples illustrating relations occurring in the theory of turbulent fluid motion". Trans. Roy. Neth. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam., 1995. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 2 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': b = 1.6 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': b = 1.75 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') a = 0.75 else: a, b = parameters[0], parameters[1] # defining simulation functions def burgers(a, b, x, y): return a*x - y**2, b*y + x*y if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [-0.1, 0.1] xtemp = InitialConditions[0] ytemp = InitialConditions[1] x, y = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xtemp, ytemp = burgers(a, b, xtemp, ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) ts = [x[-SampleSize:], y[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def holmes_cubic_map(parameters=[0.27, 2.77], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=3000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Holme's Cubic map is defined [13]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} &= y_n, y_{n+1} &= -bx_n + dy_n - y_n^3 where we chose the parameters :math:`b = 0.20` and :math:`d = 2.77` for a chaotic state with initial conditions :math:`x_0 = -0.1` and :math:`y_0 = 0.5`. You can set :math:`b = 0.27` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 3000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Holmes_Cubic_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [b,d]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [13] Chavoya-Aceves, O. "Symbolic dynamics of the cubic map". Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena., 1985. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 2 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': b = 0.27 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': b = 0.20 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') d = 2.77 else: b, d = parameters[0], parameters[1] # defining simulation functions def holmes(b, d, x, y): return y, -b*x + +d*y - y**3 if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [1.6, 0.0] xtemp = InitialConditions[0] ytemp = InitialConditions[1] x, y = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xtemp, ytemp = holmes(b, d, xtemp, ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) ts = [x[-SampleSize:], y[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def kaplan_yorke_map(parameters=[-1.0, 0.2], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=1000.0, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Kaplan Yorke map is defined [14]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} &= [ax_n](\mod 1), y_{n+1} &= by_n + \cos{(4\\pi x_n)} where we chose the parameters :math:`a = -2.0` and :math:`b = 0.2` for a chaotic state with initial conditions :math:`x_0 = -0.1` and :math:`y_0 = 0.5`. You can set :math:`a = -1.0` for a periodic response. We solve this system for 1000 data points and keep the second 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Kaplan_Yorke_map.png Parameters: parameters (Optional[float]): Array of system parameters [a,b]. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [14] Peitgen, Heinz-Otto. "Functional Differential Equations and Approximation of Fixed Points". Springer., 1979. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) num_param = 2 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a = -1.0 elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a = -2.0 else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') b = 0.2 else: a, b = parameters[0], parameters[1] # defining simulation functions def kaplan_yorke(a, b, x, y): return (a*x) % 0.99995, (b*y + np.cos(4*np.pi*x)) if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [1/np.sqrt(2), -0.4] xtemp = InitialConditions[0] ytemp = InitialConditions[1] x, y = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xtemp, ytemp = kaplan_yorke(a, b, xtemp, ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) ts = [x[-SampleSize:], y[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts
[docs]def gingerbread_man_map(parameters=[1.0, 1.0], dynamic_state=None, InitialConditions=None, L=2000, fs=1, SampleSize=500): """ The Gingerbread Man Map is defined [15]_ [16]_ as .. math:: x_{n+1} &= 1 - ay_n + n|x_n|, y_{n+1} &= x_n where we chose the parameters :math:`a = 1.0` and :math:`b = 1.0`. For a chaotic state, initial conditions :math:`x_0 = 0.5` and :math:`y_0 = 1.8`, and for a periodic response :math:`x_0 = 0.5` and :math:`y_0 = 1.5`. We solve this system for 2000 data points and keep the last 500 to avoid transients. .. figure:: ../../../figures/Maps/Gingerbread_Man_map.png Parameters: a (Optional[float]): System parameter. b (Optional[float]): System parameter. dynamic_state (Optional[string]): Dynamic state ('periodic' or 'chaotic') L (Optional[int]): Number of map iterations. fs (Optional[int]): sampling rate for simulation. SampleSize (Optional[int]): length of sample at end of entire time series Returns: array: Array of the time indices as `t` and the simulation time series `ts` References ---------- .. [15] Devaney, Robert. "The gingerbreadman". Algorithms, 1992. .. [16] Devaney, Robert. "A piecewise linear model for the zones of instability of an area-preserving map". Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1984. """ t = np.linspace(0, L, int(L*fs)) # defining simulation functions num_param = 2 if len(parameters) != num_param: raise ValueError( f'Need {num_param} parameters as specified in documentation.') elif dynamic_state != None: if dynamic_state == 'periodic': a, b = parameters[0], parameters[1] InitialConditions = [0.5, 1.5] elif dynamic_state == 'chaotic': a, b = parameters[0], parameters[1] InitialConditions = [0.5, 1.8] else: raise ValueError( f'dynamic_state needs to be either "periodic" or "chaotic" or provide an array of length {num_param} in parameters.') else: a, b = parameters[0], parameters[1] def gingerbread_man(a, b, x, y): return 1 - a*y + b*np.abs(x), x if InitialConditions == None: InitialConditions = [0.5, 1.5] xtemp = InitialConditions[0] ytemp = InitialConditions[1] x, y = [], [] for n in range(0, int(L)): xtemp, ytemp = gingerbread_man(a, b, xtemp, ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) ts = [x[-SampleSize:], y[-SampleSize:]] t = t[-SampleSize:] return t, ts