Source code for teaspoon.TDA.Persistence

# @package teaspoon.TDA.Persistence
import re
import warnings
import glob
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from subprocess import DEVNULL, STDOUT, call
import subprocess
import os
import numpy as np
This module includes wrappers for using various fast persistence software inside of python.
All diagrams are stored as a 2xN numpy matrix.
When a code returns multiple dimensions, these are returned as a dictionary


        0: DgmDimension0,
        1: DgmDimension1,

Infinite classes are given an entry of np.inf.
During computation, all data files are saved in a hidden folder ".teaspoonData".
This folder is created if it doesn't already exist.
Files are repeatedly emptied out of it, so do not save anything in it that you might want later!


.. module: Persistence

#------------------Helper code------------------------#

def prepareFolders():
    Generates the ".teaspoonData" folder.
    Checks that necessary folder structure system exists.
    Empties out all previously saved files to avoid confusion.
    # ---- Make folders for saving files

    folders = ['.teaspoonData',
               '.teaspoonData' + os.path.sep + 'input',
               '.teaspoonData'+os.path.sep + 'output']
    for location in folders:
        if not os.path.exists(location):

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# ---Simple operations on pers dgms-------------
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[docs]def minPers(Dgm): """ Finds minimum persistence for a given diagram :param Dgm: A 2D numpy array :returns: (float) Minimum persistence for the given diagram """ try: lifetimes = Dgm[:, 1] - Dgm[:, 0] return min(lifetimes) except: return 0
[docs]def maxPers(Dgm): """ Finds maximum persistence for a given diagram :param Dgm: A 2D numpy array :returns: (float) Maximum persistence for the given diagram """ try: lifetimes = Dgm[:, 1] - Dgm[:, 0] m = max(lifetimes) if m == np.inf: # Get rid of rows with death time infinity numRows = Dgm.shape[0] rowsWithoutInf = list(set(np.where(Dgm[:, 1] != np.inf)[0])) m = max(lifetimes[rowsWithoutInf]) return m except: return 0
[docs]def maxBirth(Dgm): """ Finds maximum birth for a given diagram :param Dgm: A 2D numpy array :returns: (float) Maximum birth time for the given diagram """ try: m = max(Dgm[:, 0]) if m == np.inf: # Get rid of rows with death time infinity numRows = Dgm.shape[0] rowsWithoutInf = list(set(np.where(Dgm[:, 1] != np.inf)[0])) m = max(Dgm[rowsWithoutInf, 0]) return m except: return 0
[docs]def minBirth(Dgm): """ Finds minimum birth for a given diagram :param Dgm: A 2D numpy array :returns: (float) Minimum birth time for the given diagram """ try: m = min(Dgm[:, 0]) return m except: return 0
# \brief Gets minimum persistence for a pandas.Series with diagrams as entries # # @param DgmSeries # a pandas.Series with entries Kx2 numpy arrays representing persistence diagrams. # # @return float
[docs]def minPersistenceSeries(DgmsSeries): ''' Takes data frame DgmsDF. Finds minimum persistence over all diagrams in column with label dgm_col. Gets minimum persistence for a pandas.Series with diagrams as entries :param DgmSeries: A pandas.Series with entries Kx2 numpy arrays representing persistence diagrams. :returns: (float) Minimum persistence over all diagrams ''' return min(DgmsSeries.apply(minPers))
[docs]def maxPersistenceSeries(DgmsSeries): ''' Takes data frame DgmsDF. Finds maximum persistence over all diagrams in column with label dgm_col. Gets maximum persistence for a pandas.Series with diagrams as entries :param DgmsSeries: A pandas.Series with entries Kx2 numpy arrays representing persistence diagrams. :returns: (float) Maximum persistence over all diagrams ''' return max(DgmsSeries.apply(maxPers))
[docs]def minBirthSeries(DgmsSeries): ''' Takes data frame DgmsDF. Finds minimum persistence over all diagrams in column with label dgm_col. Gets minimum persistence for a pandas.Series with diagrams as entries :param DgmSeries: A pandas.Series with entries Kx2 numpy arrays representing persistence diagrams. :returns: (float) Minimum birth time over all diagrams ''' return min(DgmsSeries.apply(minBirth))
[docs]def maxBirthSeries(DgmsSeries): ''' Takes data frame DgmsDF. Finds maximum persistence over all diagrams in column with label dgm_col. It gets maximum persistence for a pandas.Series with diagrams as entries. :param DgmSeries: A pandas.Series with entries Kx2 numpy arrays representing persistence diagrams. :returns: (float) Maximum persistence over all diagrams ''' return max(DgmsSeries.apply(maxBirth))
[docs]def removeInfiniteClasses(Dgm): ''' Simply deletes classes that have infinite lifetimes. ''' keepRows = np.isfinite(Dgm[:, 1]) return Dgm[keepRows, :]
[docs]def BettiCurve(Dgm, maxEps=3, numStops=10, alpha=0): """ Computes the Betti Curve for a persistence diagram for thresholds 0 to maxEps :param Dgm: (array) 2D numpy array of persistence diagram of a specific homology class :param maxEps: (Optional[float]) Maximum value of threshold; default: 3 :param numStops: (Optional[int]) Number of points between 0 and maxEps; default: 10 :param alpha: (Optional[float]) alpha smoothing to diagonal, points below this line are ignored, used for Crocker Stacks; default: 0 :return: array of threshold values representing the Betti curve """ vecOfThresholds = np.linspace(0, maxEps, numStops) Betti = np.zeros(np.shape(vecOfThresholds)) for i, v in enumerate(vecOfThresholds): start = v - alpha start = 0.0 if start < 0.0 else start end = v + alpha Betti[i] = sum(np.logical_and((Dgm[:, 0] < start), (Dgm[:, 1] > end))) return vecOfThresholds, Betti
[docs]def CROCKER(DGMS, maxEps=3, numStops=10, plotting=True): ''' Computes the CROCKER plot for a list of persistence diagrams for thresholds 0 to maxEps :param DGMS: (list) A python list of 2D numpy arrays of persistence diagrams of a specific homology class :param maxEps: (Optional[float]) Maximum value of threshold; default: 3 :param numStops: (Optional[int]) Number of points between 0 and maxEps; default: 10 :param plotting: (Optional[bool]) Plots the CROCKER for the given diagrams; default: True :returns: 2D CROCKER plot ''' AllBettis = [] for Dgm in DGMS: t, x = BettiCurve(Dgm, maxEps, numStops) AllBettis.append(x) M = np.array(AllBettis).T if plotting: _plot_crocker(M, t) return M
[docs]def CROCKER_Stack(DGMS, maxEps=3, numStops=10, alpha=None, plotting=True): """ Computes the CROCKER stack for a list of persistence diagrams for thresholds 0 to maxEps with given alpha smoothing. Implemented according to the paper "Capturing Dynamics of Time-Varying Data via Topology" by Xian L. et al. :param DGMS: A python list of 2D numpy arrays of persistence diagrams of a specific homology class :type DGMS: list :param maxEps: Maximum value of threshold, defaults to 3 :type maxEps: float, optional :param numStops: Number of points between 0 and maxEps, defaults to 10 :type numStops: int, optional :param alpha: A list of alpha values for smoothing, in default case it is behaving like CROCKER, defaults to [0] :type alpha: list, optional :param plotting: Plots the CROCKER for the given diagrams, defaults to True :type plotting: bool, optional :return: the 3D CROCKER stack with dimensions [alpha][row][time] :rtype: np.darray """ if alpha is None: alpha = [0] all_betti_numbers_ = np.zeros((len(alpha), numStops, len(DGMS))) thresholds_ = [] for aps_idx, alpha_ in enumerate(alpha): for idx, Dgm in enumerate(DGMS): thresholds_, betti_vals_ = BettiCurve( Dgm, maxEps, numStops, alpha_) all_betti_numbers_[aps_idx, :, idx] = betti_vals_ if plotting: for aps_idx, alpha_ in enumerate(alpha): _plot_crocker(all_betti_numbers_[aps_idx], thresholds_, title_=f"Crocker Stack with alpha={alpha[aps_idx]}") return all_betti_numbers_
def _plot_crocker(M, t, title_=""): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6), dpi=300) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.matshow(M, origin='lower') fig.colorbar(cax) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(t))) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels(t) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\epsilon$') ax.set_title(title_)